This Blog is designed as a platform for educated discussion concerning issues that affect daily life and as a source to pass along information on a variety of subjects.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
What will the next Decade be?
What will the next decade be? I hope I'm around: To see my family grow and Nan and I age gracefully. To live in a generous, prosperous country with less strife and discord. To see Politicians become less political and more compassionate. To see Terror end and our dependence on the mineral that fuels their hate wane. To see education and enlightenment valued. To hear laughter and babies cries. To still feel the love of my parents and mother-in-law. To see my sons and their spouses excel. To learn the meaning of retirement. To grow closer to my brother and sister and all my extended family. To play in the Wilbert Open. To see my grandchildren grow. To see an end to our involvement in two wars. To breath clean air and see blue skies. To fly, yes I said fly, well maybe.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Jared Hobaugh
It hurts to think that Jared is no longer with us. I thought for sure I would see him again. I feel so bad to think about how his loss must feel to Jason and Julie, to his mom and step dad. I think about the sadness his friends are going through. I know if I feel this bad it must be many times worse for Jace and Andy who spent so much of their time creating and playing music with him. I can still see Jared performing at the Blue Moon or the Pub or the Port. I can still hear his excitement for the next project. Where was he the last few years? I lost contact. I assumed it would be only a matter of time before our paths crossed. I had heard he was in Alaska living off the grid. Just like him I thought. Keith Lewandowski said he ran into him at a bar a few weeks back. I wish I could have been there. Talk about the Shaft days. Some of the best times in this old mans life. He had his flaws, who doesn't, but his enthusiasm was contagious. He had me believing on many an occasion. I had heard the band was reforming maybe, for one more gig later this year. I would see him then. Find out what he had been up to and then hear him sing those songs. Those songs, I can still see in my mind him up on stage or getting the sound just right before a show. Coming by to visit and asking how I was doing. Taking the time, you know, to make me feel like what I had to say was important. I always appreciated that. Jared was a "can do" guy. Form a band, refurbish an RV, plan a trip to California, run sound, record a CD, fly a plane. He was hardscrabble, find a way to make a living, be his own boss. I should have mentioned Rich Gilstrap earlier. Rich seemed to be very close to Jared. After Jared's dad passed Rich seemed to fill that void. I know Rich has a hole in his heart after hearing the news.
Cherish your friends. They can be taken away in a wink of the eye. I will never forget Jared Hobaugh. For a too brief period of time he and his bandmates made my life better. Made me feel younger following them and their music. So long Jared, I will miss. You will always have a special place in my heart.
Cherish your friends. They can be taken away in a wink of the eye. I will never forget Jared Hobaugh. For a too brief period of time he and his bandmates made my life better. Made me feel younger following them and their music. So long Jared, I will miss. You will always have a special place in my heart.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Single Payer Thoughts
A single payer system would insure every citizen in the U.S. free health care provided by the National Government. Critics point to Socialism, high taxes, wasteful government bureaucracy and the demise of private insurance companies as reasons not to institute such a program. Opponents claim single payer systems in Canada, the UK and other Western European countries are failures. Billions, if not trillions, of dollars have been spent each year by private businesses and industries large and small to cover employees through private plans. A single payer system, it seems to me, would free up huge sums of this money in the private sector for businesses to use for product development and employee wage increases. Is it feasible that tax increases to pay for a single payer system would be offset by higher wages and profitability in the private sector? Citizens have been warned by certain congressmen that single payer plans would never work in this country. Many of these congressmen repeat verbatim the same talking points put forth by the Insurance Lobby. What is wrong with guaranteeing every American free Health Care in this country if it can be done in an affordable manner? Insurance companies have a huge stake in keeping the current system intact and have the money to influence legislation. Many in the medical professions fear a reduction in their income due to government provided Health Care and may side with private insurers in this debate. The biggest losers in the current system are individuals who lose health coverage or pay exorbitant premiums because employers can no longer afford to offer benefits. The current pending legislation that places a public option as competition with private plans is only a start. A single payer system should be the ultimate goal for our elected officials concerning health care.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Better Pay If You Want Good Teachers To Stay
It seems that education has been attacked for years in this country. Every ill of society has been blamed on our education system in some way. Politicians love to pontificate the importance of improving our schools, especially around election time. Public schools receive the harshest criticism from those who lead us in Washington. Teachers lack of training or motivation is often cited as a root cause of the demise of American education. Colleges are being asked to strengthen their training programs and make admittance into the teaching field more selective. I would agree that compared to when I attained my degree in education in 1973 standards are much higher and it is much more difficult to be admitted to the education program. Pay for Public School Teachers is still not equal to other professions with similar requirements. Why would an individual enter a program with such stringent guidelines when they are guaranteed relative low pay upon entering the Public Education sector? For years we were told that teaching was an avocation not a job and that teachers taught to inspire young minds. That the self satisfaction of enlightening children would make up for the long hours and low pay. Teachers were held to a high moral standard concerning their social activities, especially in small communities. They were expected to be examples of proper behavior to young people, not only while at school but in all aspects of life outside the classroom. I came to the conclusion after 31 years as a teacher, coach and administrator that much of this was Bullshit. Education is important. It lays a sound foundation. Teachers are the ones who make a difference, good or bad. They should be paid accordingly for the worth a society sees in an educated populace. Get rid of the bad and pay the good a fair salary. A lawyer can charge $250.00 an hour for counsel . What is an hour worth to educate ones child? Politicians talk the talk until it's time to pay. Then it's the same old tried and true excuse about a shortage in the States Budget. The first programs usually cut deal with education programs and teachers pay. Citizens complain about the need for better schools but as taxpayers bitch about any local tax increases that fund education. "Teachers get 3 months off" or I don't have any kids in school any more"; heard those retorts before? Want good teachers to stay? Pay them what you think they are worth. Or maybe that is what we have been doing for the past 100 years.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tribute to Jimmy
My father is a legend. Rode a horse and a Harley. Was a lover (most of the time) and a fighter (rarely but sometimes). Went to war in his youth. Learned to fly a plane and rode a horse too, oh yea I said that. Came from a big family 7 boys 4 girls (one died at 6).
Bought a business with a brother after the war. Business was wiped out in the KC flood of '51.
Became a pipe fitter and loved the work for over 40 years. Met and married a feisty Italian-American girl in '49. Still married soon to be 60 years. Raised a family of 3, one was me
Loved and supported us all. Not much of a disciplinarian, too soft a heart.
Catholic faith is his base, still refers to his loving mother to this day. Great dancer, jokester, storyteller, bullshitter. Enjoys weddings, seeing nephews, nieces just being around family. Going to be 87 pretty soon. Repeats the same stories often. Doesn't hear everything the first time. Forgets names in the now but remembers all in the past. Reminisces about the long ago. Still got the gleam in his eye. Worries about that feisty Italian wife. They get cranky
with each other some time but you know their devotion is deep. Never was much for I love yous or hugs but we knew. Still today one of the best men I will ever know. When they ask me to list my heroes. They will always start with you, Jimmy.
Bought a business with a brother after the war. Business was wiped out in the KC flood of '51.
Became a pipe fitter and loved the work for over 40 years. Met and married a feisty Italian-American girl in '49. Still married soon to be 60 years. Raised a family of 3, one was me
Loved and supported us all. Not much of a disciplinarian, too soft a heart.
Catholic faith is his base, still refers to his loving mother to this day. Great dancer, jokester, storyteller, bullshitter. Enjoys weddings, seeing nephews, nieces just being around family. Going to be 87 pretty soon. Repeats the same stories often. Doesn't hear everything the first time. Forgets names in the now but remembers all in the past. Reminisces about the long ago. Still got the gleam in his eye. Worries about that feisty Italian wife. They get cranky
with each other some time but you know their devotion is deep. Never was much for I love yous or hugs but we knew. Still today one of the best men I will ever know. When they ask me to list my heroes. They will always start with you, Jimmy.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
T-Bagger Anti-Tax Crusaders Strike for Right.
So the Governor of Texas wants to secede, or so he proclaimed at T-Bag Day. T-Bag Day, what a fitting name for those who attended. They don't like Government or high taxes. What they really mean is they don't like Democrats in power and especially a President who does not look like, well, a typical American President should look like, Dammit! Such nasty things their hand held, homemade signs said. Our President is Hitler, he once again, for the one millionth time is not a Christian but a Muslim. He was born in Kenya and his birth certificate is fake don't you know. T-Baggers they called themselves, true Americans, what they didn't know was that many of the events were sponsored by corporate lobbyists whose clients pay no taxes at all. Well that's good, right. We T-Baggers don't' want to pay no taxes neither. Hell we don't need no police or fire departments. We don't want the Feds to help in case of Natural disasters. We don't need no roads or sewers; by-God the only good tax is no tax. Hey wait a minute, those corporate guys who pay no tax, well we citizens have to make up for the 100 billion a year that they don't pay. Out of our own pockets! T-Baggers you should be pissed at them shouldn't you? Why were you protesting outside Government buildings and not some of the corporate offices that paid no tax? Oh yea, I forgot, the Democrats are in power so it's got to be the Governments fault. And did you hear what your fearless leader Rush said today? Not about taxes mind you, but about how our President gave the order to shoot those poor black teenage Somalis that were holding hostage an American citizen. Party Leader Limbaugh was certain that a white President such as W would have been highly criticized for giving such an order. I kid you not, check it out, he actually made that statement on his radio blowgram. All in all April 15th was quite a day for the Right to show the firm principles they stand on. Here's to the Party of Nope. See you in 2010 and 2012.
Monday, April 13, 2009
I Remember When
I can remember when:
Cars did not come with seat belts or air conditioning or power anything
Color TV's were rare
78 45 33/13 were speeds on record players
Gas Station attendants pumped gas at $.25 a gallon
Pizza was an exotic dish
every ones Dad fought in World War II
Cigarettes were cool
Mantle played for the Yankees Musial played for the Cardinals Mays played for the Giants
My Mom and Dad were young and I had grandparents
JFK and RFK and MLK were shot
Shepard was launched and Armstrong walked
I had a paper route
TARP was every Friday night
The British invaded
I met the love of my life
I thought I would never grow old
Cars did not come with seat belts or air conditioning or power anything
Color TV's were rare
78 45 33/13 were speeds on record players
Gas Station attendants pumped gas at $.25 a gallon
Pizza was an exotic dish
every ones Dad fought in World War II
Cigarettes were cool
Mantle played for the Yankees Musial played for the Cardinals Mays played for the Giants
My Mom and Dad were young and I had grandparents
JFK and RFK and MLK were shot
Shepard was launched and Armstrong walked
I had a paper route
TARP was every Friday night
The British invaded
I met the love of my life
I thought I would never grow old
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Musical Influences of the 20th Century
Louis Armstrong, Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, The Beatles, Michael Jackson and Nirvana; I proposition that these artists had the greatest influence on American Music in the 20 th Century. These artist not only impacted music of the last century but culture around the world as well. Louis Armstrong is seen as the Father of Jazz, the first form of modern music that originated in the United States. His influence has been felt in all type of music from Country to Blues to Rock and Roll. Not only was Armstrong a virtuoso on the trumpet but his vocal style helped shaped several generations of pop and jazz singers including Frank Sinatra. Sinatra's vocal phrasings and way of telling a story in the way he interpreted songs was unique. With the widespread use of the radio as the main means of household entertainment in this country Sinatra became the first Teen Idol of the 20th Century. Elvis Presley took the music of the Mississippi Delta and Black America and put a white face on it. Many of his early songs were renditions of songs sung by black artist who could not get radio air time because of discrimination. There are many theories of who the Father of Rock and Roll was but to me all roads lead to The King. Presley influenced a new generation of musicians and opened the door for Race Music, later called Rhythm and Blues, to be played in households throughout the America. Elvis recorded for Sun Records in the mid-50's, one of his stable mates was Johnny Cash. Cash was to become a cross-over artist, his popularity extended to both country and pop record enthusiasts. He was a co-founder of the Outlaw movement in Country Music ; this group consisted of Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Kris Kristofferson and others who fought the over produced Nashville sound of the 60's and 70's. Johnny Cash is one of the few, if any, artists that have been elected to the Rock and Roll, Country Western and Songwriters Hall of Fame. So much has been written on the influence of the Beatles on all areas of Music and Culture that this simple Blog could not do them the justice they deserve. Suffice it to say that their appearance on the Music Scene in the early 1960's changed the way people view music, style, politics, drugs, religion and social awareness to this day. Michael Jackson was the King of Pop, awesomely talented and flawed at the same time. His Thriller album and video created a new way of presenting Music to the masses. MTV became a household name because of Jackson's popular music videos of the 80's; his performances were interspersed with dynamic dance moves that have been copied but never match to this day. We all know that hard times have fallen on the King of Pop in the last several years due to various allegations of misconduct with minors but his influence cannot be denied. The last decade of the 20th Century saw a new form of Rock develop, Grunge. Nirvana was the first Seattle band that broke big on the scene with a type of music that was guitar driven with lyrics that showed the angst of Generation X. Kurt Cobain became the reluctant standard bearer for this new form of Rock. Cobain's life ended tragically in suicide but his music legacy remained strong through the end of the Century. Groups such as Pearl Jam continue to be important exponents of the Seattle sound to this day. As the 21st Century heads into its second decade who are the artists emerging that will make this list 90 years form now. Any thoughts? Your comments are welcomed.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The Yips
Pressure, Stress, and Anxiety can do strange things to people in all walks of life. "The Yips" is a baseball term for Professional Baseball Players who inexplicably lose the ability to throw to certain positions on the field with any accuracy. Once this affliction sets in it is very rarely cured. This curse is also known as the "Steve Blass Syndrome" named after the Pittsburgh Pirate ace who lost his ability to throw strikes a year after starring in the 1971 World Series. A more modern day example of this would be the sudden wildness of Rick Ankiel in the 2000 play-offs. Most players who have been struck by "the Yips" have either switched positions or been demoted to the minors and then out of baseball. Few have ever conquered it once it has developed. Steve Sax and Chuck Knoblach were All Star second basemen until they caught "The Yips". Sax was one of the few that actually overcame his throwing problems after several seasons and was able to retire as a second baseman. Knoblach, on the other hand, was moved to the outfield and was never the same caliber player. Mike Ivie was the number one draft choice in MLB out of High School in 1969 as a catcher. He developed the inability to throw the ball back to the pitcher with any accuracy and was switched to First Base where he played several seasons in the Big Leagues. Dale Murphy was an All-Star Centerfielder for the Atlanta Braves; Murphy moved to the outfield because of his inability to throw the ball back to the pitcher with accuracy while catching in the Minors. Steve Garvey was an All Star First Baseman who had to be moved from Third because of repeated throwing errors from Third to First. Mackey Sasser caught for the New York Mets in the early 1990's and had to lob the ball back to the pitcher for fear of throwing it away. Runners took advantage of this by delayed stealing on his lob throws to the pitcher. Many more have had this problem and I suspect it comes with the added pressure of playing before large crowds and knowing that large sums of money are on the line. All of a sudden a simple task that was mastered by the age of five becomes a monumental psychological block. The "What Ifs" become lodged in the mind. What if I overthrow the pitcher, people will notice, managers will get angry, runners will advance. What if my throw is wild to first, the runner will go to second and be in scoring position and I will be charged with an error. Who knows how this thought process first begins? Maybe after an error that creates a thought that somehow lodges in the brain and refuses to leave. Dale Murphy had one of the most accurate arms in the Majors from the outfield, Garvey and Ivie were good to adequate defensive First Basemen and Rick Ankiel is on the verge of being an All Star Outfielder. "The Yips" left this group after a change of position. Perhaps throwing was made easier mentally by these positions changes. "The Yips" affects all sports, Golf and the act of Putting coming to mind. It gives one a sense of appreciation for the Professional Athlete; the ones who compete at a high level on a daily basis knowing that it all can be thrown away in an instant. Any comments on this or any of my Blogs are welcomed.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Fear of Flying
How does one overcome a fear of flying. John Madden takes a bus, Boston Red Sox All-Star Jackie Jensen retires and Christine McVie won't even re-unite with Fleetwood Mac. See, I'm not the only one that suffers this phobia. Just when I start thinking of flying I read of a plane landing in the Hudson or crashing in a cornfield or a Turkish pilot abandoning the wheel to pray. I have yet to see an ocean or venture out of the Great Plains because of this situation. I guess the only way is to suck it up, maybe get a few drinks in me and go for it right? Fares are cheap and I would be fool to not take advantage of this, right? Flying is the safest form of travel, double freakin right! What if a bird flies in the engine, yikes! What if that Gremlin in the Twilight Zone lands on one of the wings. Do they have parachute under each seat just in case? As you can see I have struggled with this situation for many years. Actually I have been on an airplane once when I was 19 years old. I had to be flown back home after an emergency appendectomy left me stranded in Pueblo, Colo. while playing baseball in college. Since then my mode of travel has been on four wheels. So what will get me up in the sky once more? Will my curiosity to see far off places allow me to overcome the fear of the friendly skies. Maybe when I reach a certain age I won't know up from down and it won't matter. The one thing that could force me to step across this angst threshold would be the desire to please my wife who would love to travel. We shall see, to be continued. Until then, Up Up and Away.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Assault Weapons Should be Banned
I wish someone could explain to me why we allow assault weapons to be purchased by individuals in the U.S. I am no gun enthusiast but I understand the need by some in our country for rifles and shotguns for hunting purposes. I have a hard time seeing the need to make concealed handguns legal but will concede there are strong arguments from both sides of the issue. But automatic and semi-automatic assault weapons that can be purchased legally; give me a break! I guess we want to make sure that we can outgun law enforcement in this country. I don't see why we should protect the individual rights of the few who have the money to buy these weapons so they can go and shoot the shit out of paper cutouts on a firing range. Meanwhile thousands of these weapons are finding their way into the hands of criminals or Mexican Drug Cartels. We have become so afraid of the gun lobby in this country that any kind of rational discussion on this issue has become a political no-no. What logical purpose does allowing individuals to purchase military type weapons serve? Whats next, legalized hand grenades, used tanks, flame throwers? The Second Amendment was meant to allow the states to have an armed militia circa 1700's or a National Guard since the early 1900's. Of course we get the literal readers of our Constitution who point to the Second Amendment as their God-given right to have and hold almost any type of weapon to protect life and property. So far this minority's rights have been protected by our courts while crime and violence is on the increase and gun running has become a lucrative proposition on our Southern border with Mexico. Remember, I am talking about semi-automatic and automatic weapons. I believe that congress should take steps to outlaw the sale of these weapons to private citizens and keep them where they belong, in the hands of law enforcement and the military.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Blue Cross Blue Shield Blues
As an owner of a small business I will see our group Health Insurance skyrocket by 24% on May 1st if I keep the same deductible with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas. Blue Cross claims to have three deductible options, $500.00, $1,000.00 or $1,500.00. They call these levels 1 , 2 and 3. Our company has insured six employees at level 1 for several years but by staying on level 1 our rates would increase by $600.00 per month on May 1st. I looked at our options and decided that if our group went to level 3 our rates would "only" increase by $400.00 on the date mentioned earlier. So, trying to be a good business manager, I called the Big Blue the other day and requested a policy change for our group to level 3. The "matter of fact- that's the way it is" response I got was that we could not go to level 3. "What", I exclaimed, "are you kidding me, why"? The voice on the other end explained to me in no uncertain terms that you can only reduce your level by one per year. " That would only save our group a few dollars a month", I protested. " I'm sorry sir, that is our policy" was the respone. Now I ask you out there, if a policy states it has three options shouldn't there really be three options? As it is we really only have two options; stay on level 1 or go to level 2 but don't touch level 3. Blue Cross has us in a lose lose situation; either take it or leave it. Their rates jump every year and to cover their cash flow they come up with a goof ball policy like this. I'm sure this policy is stated somewhere in the 200 page manual they give you every year. I am currently looking at other insurance companies and hope to find something feasible for our group.
This situation points to the larger problem of Health Insurance in this country. Right now Health Insurance eats up almost any profit we make in our company, it's like we are all working 50 hours a week to cover our insurance. I can see why businesses are dropping coverage for their employees and why there are over 40 million Americans uninsured. Those of us who are doing the right thing by giving Health Benefits are getting nothing in the way of meaningful tax incentives. We need to stop debating this subject and get something done now. I don't care if it's Government or a Government Private Sector Partnership but please do something. This all has a ripple effect. I will be cutting my advertising dollars to make up for the added cost in Health Insurance. This obviously affects local newspapers, magazines, and radio and television stations who are all competing for a smaller piece of the advertising dollar pie. This situation will not go away by debating the same worn out point - counter points, the time for action is now.
This situation points to the larger problem of Health Insurance in this country. Right now Health Insurance eats up almost any profit we make in our company, it's like we are all working 50 hours a week to cover our insurance. I can see why businesses are dropping coverage for their employees and why there are over 40 million Americans uninsured. Those of us who are doing the right thing by giving Health Benefits are getting nothing in the way of meaningful tax incentives. We need to stop debating this subject and get something done now. I don't care if it's Government or a Government Private Sector Partnership but please do something. This all has a ripple effect. I will be cutting my advertising dollars to make up for the added cost in Health Insurance. This obviously affects local newspapers, magazines, and radio and television stations who are all competing for a smaller piece of the advertising dollar pie. This situation will not go away by debating the same worn out point - counter points, the time for action is now.
Monday, March 23, 2009
KU Basketball Fanaticism
OK, I know in the thirty some odd years I have followed Kansas basketball that once in a while I get a little critical. Actually it is not pleasant to be around me when I am watching KU. I live and die on every play and most of the time I am totally exhausted after watching. You would think that I played the game myself. My wife thinks I'm crazy but she doesn't understand the passion of being a true fan. I used to be that way with the George Brett led KC Royals of the 70's and 80's but as we all know times have changed for that organization. One year, I believe it was the Chenowith-Gregory led debacle of a team, I actually stopped watching for a while because it was making me ill. So with the NCAA Tournament headed for the Sweet 16 and with the Hawks battling towards a second consecutive Final Four berth please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. Oh, and one more thing, Rock Chalk Jayhawk!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Barack Obama the Right Choice
It is refreshing to see a President that seems to have an educated grasp of the difficulties faced by this country. In his 60 minutes interview with Steve Kroft, President Obama spoke on a wide range of problems facing the nation in a confident, calm and honest tone. President Obama understands the enormity of the Presidency and the many sides that criticize his every move. He spoke of the need to keep a firm grasp on the long term and strategic goals to get our country out of the economic crisis and not govern in anger or the politics of the moment. President Obama also answered criticism leveled by ex-VP Cheney for the need to torture to keep our country safe. The President answered this stance with a firm denouncement on torture. He made the point that its use by the previous administration has made the United States less safe and less respected not only in the Middle East but with Allied Nations as well. President Obama speaks with a thoughtful, educated purpose of a man who is highly intelligent and articulate. We did not see this curiosity and willingness to explore all avenues to solve problems during the Bush-Cheney administration.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Cable News Barrage
I admit I am an avid watcher of cable news; CNN and MSNBC. I don't know why because half the time I come away shaking my head. Campbell Brown's No Bias No Bull segment is a great example of what is wrong with 24 hour news reporting. She claims no bias but during this segment we get her views every night. On one of her shows she was lecturing the administration about getting its act together during the financial crisis and I wondered what made her an authority. She is a reporter and should spend more time reporting the news and less time giving us her "unbiased views". Her husband has worked for Fox News and the Republican Party. I wonder if this may shape her way of commenting on daily events. She has a right to her opinion but please do not try to make us believe that there is no bias or bull in her pontificating. She needs controversy to make her show appealing to viewers which in turn makes it appealing to advertisers. The more she can generate "spin" during her hour gives her a chance at better ratings and a longer shelf life for her program. It's all about money in the end. Her program can be interesting but don't deceive us with the notion that some how you are above it all with the "No Bias No Bull" schtick.
Friday, March 20, 2009
A New Day
I have just set this up, its late and I am tired. I hope this will be the start of something new and fun. A distraction from 55 hour work weeks. A place to blow off steam or comment on anything. Wish me luck. Until next time....
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