It hurts to think that Jared is no longer with us. I thought for sure I would see him again. I feel so bad to think about how his loss must feel to Jason and Julie, to his mom and step dad. I think about the sadness his friends are going through. I know if I feel this bad it must be many times worse for Jace and Andy who spent so much of their time creating and playing music with him. I can still see Jared performing at the Blue Moon or the Pub or the Port. I can still hear his excitement for the next project. Where was he the last few years? I lost contact. I assumed it would be only a matter of time before our paths crossed. I had heard he was in Alaska living off the grid. Just like him I thought. Keith Lewandowski said he ran into him at a bar a few weeks back. I wish I could have been there. Talk about the Shaft days. Some of the best times in this old mans life. He had his flaws, who doesn't, but his enthusiasm was contagious. He had me believing on many an occasion. I had heard the band was reforming maybe, for one more gig later this year. I would see him then. Find out what he had been up to and then hear him sing those songs. Those songs, I can still see in my mind him up on stage or getting the sound just right before a show. Coming by to visit and asking how I was doing. Taking the time, you know, to make me feel like what I had to say was important. I always appreciated that. Jared was a "can do" guy. Form a band, refurbish an RV, plan a trip to California, run sound, record a CD, fly a plane. He was hardscrabble, find a way to make a living, be his own boss. I should have mentioned Rich Gilstrap earlier. Rich seemed to be very close to Jared. After Jared's dad passed Rich seemed to fill that void. I know Rich has a hole in his heart after hearing the news.
Cherish your friends. They can be taken away in a wink of the eye. I will never forget Jared Hobaugh. For a too brief period of time he and his bandmates made my life better. Made me feel younger following them and their music. So long Jared, I will miss. You will always have a special place in my heart.