Why, Mr. President, when your opponent on Wednesday said he would fire the Moderator, PBS, Big Bird and all couldn't you have said this? " This is a great example of Governor Romney's fondness for firing people. He just fired a man and an institution in front of 40 million people. This should be no surprise, that's how he made his wealth as a take over artist at Bain capital. Mr. Lehrer you obviously are part of the 47% he talked about earlier in the campaign. You know, the group of people in this Country that he cares nothing about. I wonder what those 2 million auto workers at GM are thinking right now Mr. Romney. The ones you would have fired when you let their Company go into Bankruptcy. Or the million of American homeowners you would have let lose their homes because foreclosure is just they way the market works. Firing people is the way you made your wealth Mr. Romney and the wealth of a select few while others were left to fend for themselves. Why should the American people trust you when it was people just like you who got us into this mess in the first place. And how have you invested your great fortune? We will never know because of your refusal to let the American people see those tax returns of the last 10 years. We do know from the last two that you did show us that you have a fondness for offshoring a lot of your wealth. Why should the American people trust you Mr. Romney? A man who fights to keep every tax break that millionaires like you think they deserve while the rest of America suffers and you, with a smile on your face, gleefully cuts programs and puts people like Mr. Lehrer and even Big Bird looking for work." Mr. President please next time call Mr. Romney on his big lie. Millions of Americans like me are counting on you.
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