Thursday, February 28, 2013

James C. Wilbert 1922-2013

And so it has come to pass.  How do you recall a life well lived? A man who loved his family above all.  A man who took pride in his trade.  A lover of good times and stories to tell.  Can I remember a gentle whisper in the ear or the smell of his body when he held me years ago?  How do I recall the way he looked in his prime? I'm trying but it is hard.  I will never hear his voice or see his face or hold his hand again.  Or will I?  He is gone without me ever saying "I love you".  He knew, I know.  But just to make sure.  I love you Jimmy.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Why, Mr. President?

Why, Mr. President, when your opponent on Wednesday said he would fire the Moderator, PBS, Big Bird and all couldn't you have said this? " This is a great example of Governor Romney's fondness for firing people.  He just fired a man and an institution in front of 40 million people.  This should be no surprise, that's how he made his wealth as a take over artist at Bain capital.  Mr. Lehrer you obviously are part of the 47% he talked about earlier in the campaign.  You know, the group of people in this Country that he cares nothing about.  I wonder what those 2 million auto workers at GM are thinking right now Mr. Romney.  The ones you would have fired when you let their Company go into Bankruptcy.  Or the million of American homeowners you would have let lose their homes because foreclosure is just they way the market works.  Firing people is the way you made your wealth Mr. Romney and the wealth of a select few while others were left to fend for themselves.  Why should the American people trust you when it was people just like you who got us into this mess in the first place.  And how have you invested your great fortune? We will never know because of your refusal to let the American people see those tax returns of the last 10 years.  We do know from the last two that you did show us that you have a fondness for offshoring a lot of your wealth.  Why should the American people trust you Mr. Romney?  A man who fights to keep every tax break that millionaires like you think they deserve while the rest of America suffers and you, with a smile on your face, gleefully cuts programs and puts people like Mr. Lehrer and even Big Bird looking for work."  Mr. President please next time call Mr. Romney on his big lie. Millions of Americans like me are counting on you.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Coach Martin; A life well spent in Burlington.

So you want to know how teachers effect lives? It's hard to put into words. Why would hundreds show to wish you luck on your last day on the job. I know. I was there. I saw the respect in their eyes and the warmth in their voices as they sang your praise. Well deserved. I know. I saw you when it began. I knew you were good then and you got better as the years went by. The lives you changed for the better number in the hundreds, probably thousands. Were you perfect as a person? We never would have been friends if you were. Are you a great friend? The best one could have. How good of educator were you? One of the best that I ever saw. But why take my word . You could ask any number of the people you taught or coached in the last 34 years. They can tell the story much better than me.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Aunt Lorraine

Aunt Lorraine, have I even spelled your name correct? You left us in the early part of the last Century at the age of 6.  An infection they say from a pulled tooth. Or was it something else? Time diminishes the facts.  What were you like? What were you to become? The pain it must of caused my Grandmother that I knew and the Grandfather I have never known. Did you know that you have over 30 nieces and nephews? You didn't even know half of your brothers and sisters. I can't imagine your pain and fear. I want to protect you even now, especially now, thinking of my own children and grandchildren.  What brought you to mind? Maybe a sadness that you were taken away from such a large, warm and loving family. Are you with some of them now? Will I ever know. my Faith is weak but my Hope is strong. I just felt the need to say something about you hoping you will know that you are not forgotten, Aunt Lorraine.

Monday, October 18, 2010

A Journey

I can see now that he is slowly disappearing.  He told me in his own words not long ago. It wasn't so evident just a few months back but now I realize.  Names are harder to come by and the look is somewhere over the horizon. I have to help with things that not long ago he would never of needed my assist.  Simple tasks have become more difficult and time consuming. It's still him but yet it's not. Does that make sense. Words flow from his mouth that he never would have spoken in the past. He's smaller and thinner and grayer and whiter and spotted physically. He's starting to shuffle instead of walk. You should have seen him in his day. A dapper dashing Dan he was.  Things are being taken from him and it frustrates him.  He's just as good as always he explains. No you're not reluctantly I say.  How long this will go no one knows. I see no happy ending. I guess this is the hurting sad part of life.  I knew it would come but then again I didn't. I ignored it and now here it is.  He's still the best man I have ever known. Still the King to me. It's hard. I need to be patient and understanding with him. These are not my strengths.  I don't know what I will do when he forgets me.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


It was in January of '96 when I first heard them. Rough but tight and their own songs too. One was my son so I am biased. It caught my attention and built every gig thereafter. Old Town's Blue Moon, The Iguana, Americas Pub. Out east the Port of Wichita and Scotty's, now that's a story in it's own right. An EP and two CD's trips to California to Amarillo to Terre Haute and points in between. Some disagreements and a year's break. A triumphant return with a gig at the Orpheum. And all the time the joy their songs gave to those who listened and followed Jared, Jason, Jace and Andy. Another shot at a deal and many gigs in the early to middle aughts. And then it ended, a last gig at Mama Deux, were you there? A new band the Pistolas and more songs from three that carried on for awhile but only for awhile.  The music went away as they all took different paths. Then a phone call in September of 09 promised a reunion and a return but a tragedy that shook us all to our core ended it all. Or did it? The songs are being sung again. Yes they are, I have heard them. Will it last and grow, who knows? But I say come and enjoy it while you can.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Where Is He?

Where is he? He was there to turn the lights on when you arrived and was the last one out to turn them off.  He picked up your towels and packed your bags and equipment.  He kept your scores and totaled your stats and then called them in to the Dailys but where is he? If it wasn't for him Tournaments would not have been held and games not played. Do you know where he is?  He bled red but also white in the land of eagles. He was a native son. Have you seen him? Were you ever there when he wasn't? Was there a place he didn't know or a question he couldn't answer? He acted gruff and tough at times but you knew he really cared didn't you? I was with him for twenty years but never knew where he lived. I can't recall anybody else who knew either. Whenever I called I only got a machine but somehow he would get in contact. A man of mystery I guess. I wonder where he is? I retired from Eagleland five years ago and saw him sporadically. I heard he left in a dispute. Where is he now? A man who wanted only to serve the school named for corn and those who participated in it's activities. Shouldn't we have been more concerned? Maybe he is doing the same for others though I can't imagine.  Where is he; do you know?