Saturday, April 16, 2011

Aunt Lorraine

Aunt Lorraine, have I even spelled your name correct? You left us in the early part of the last Century at the age of 6.  An infection they say from a pulled tooth. Or was it something else? Time diminishes the facts.  What were you like? What were you to become? The pain it must of caused my Grandmother that I knew and the Grandfather I have never known. Did you know that you have over 30 nieces and nephews? You didn't even know half of your brothers and sisters. I can't imagine your pain and fear. I want to protect you even now, especially now, thinking of my own children and grandchildren.  What brought you to mind? Maybe a sadness that you were taken away from such a large, warm and loving family. Are you with some of them now? Will I ever know. my Faith is weak but my Hope is strong. I just felt the need to say something about you hoping you will know that you are not forgotten, Aunt Lorraine.