Wednesday, April 15, 2009

T-Bagger Anti-Tax Crusaders Strike for Right.

So the Governor of Texas wants to secede, or so he proclaimed at T-Bag Day. T-Bag Day, what a fitting name for those who attended. They don't like Government or high taxes. What they really mean is they don't like Democrats in power and especially a President who does not look like, well, a typical American President should look like, Dammit! Such nasty things their hand held, homemade signs said. Our President is Hitler, he once again, for the one millionth time is not a Christian but a Muslim. He was born in Kenya and his birth certificate is fake don't you know. T-Baggers they called themselves, true Americans, what they didn't know was that many of the events were sponsored by corporate lobbyists whose clients pay no taxes at all. Well that's good, right. We T-Baggers don't' want to pay no taxes neither. Hell we don't need no police or fire departments. We don't want the Feds to help in case of Natural disasters. We don't need no roads or sewers; by-God the only good tax is no tax. Hey wait a minute, those corporate guys who pay no tax, well we citizens have to make up for the 100 billion a year that they don't pay. Out of our own pockets! T-Baggers you should be pissed at them shouldn't you? Why were you protesting outside Government buildings and not some of the corporate offices that paid no tax? Oh yea, I forgot, the Democrats are in power so it's got to be the Governments fault. And did you hear what your fearless leader Rush said today? Not about taxes mind you, but about how our President gave the order to shoot those poor black teenage Somalis that were holding hostage an American citizen. Party Leader Limbaugh was certain that a white President such as W would have been highly criticized for giving such an order. I kid you not, check it out, he actually made that statement on his radio blowgram. All in all April 15th was quite a day for the Right to show the firm principles they stand on. Here's to the Party of Nope. See you in 2010 and 2012.

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